Monday, April 30, 2007

Paper or not to paper? That is the question...

I need some of your thoughts and advice....

I live in a 5 person household and we do NOT have a dishwasher. Add to that the fact that we have a very small sink and that adds up to me doing the dishes at least three times a day. Now I have enlisted my 13 and 11 year old to help with the task - they each have the dishes 2 nights a week. However, the sink can only hold so much so I still end up doing what is left over later that night. One thing I can't stand is dirty dishes in the sink overnight - it drives me crazy!!!! I'll try sometimes to 'just let it go' but there are times when I wake up at 2am thinking about the dishes just sitting there and I have to get up to wash them.

I have recently considered using paper plates and this my friends is where i need your help! The thing is, I'm big on recycling and doing what I can to help out the environment and somehow using paper plates seems to go against that plan. I have not been able to find paper plates made from recycled materials - if I could that just might make my decision for me.

My dilemma is this: not having a dishwasher and using the sink means I am using much more water to get the dishes done than if I had a dishwasher but using paper plates means I am using up more trees.

I am thinking that at least using paper plates means that I am using a renewable resource (trees can be replanted) while water is a bit more precious than that - especially considering the fact that I live in Southern California and we are almost always in some sort of drought.

Any thoughts? I would greatly appreciate hearing what you think. I need to do something because I am currently obsessed with this thought.


Sharon - Mom Generations said...

I must say... with a house of 5 as well, we have done the paper switch! It makes life a lot easier! Love your blog!
- Audrey

Lisa Knight said...

I'd switch to paper if I didn't have a dishwasher... Plant a tree if your really feel bad, LOL!!! That's what we do, makes me feel better about burning coal & wood for heat!

Heather {Desperately Seeking Sanity} said...

As a single mom, there's no way that I can keep up with everything. We have no dishwasher and my kids aren't quite there yet to do the dishes themselves...

I didn't WANT to go to paper... my mother NEVER fed us on paper plates... but SOMETHING had to give...

so we went to paper...

it's not so bad...and you are saving water... :)