Sunday, May 13, 2007

menu plan 5/14/07

Happy Monday Everyone! I hope all you fabulous mom's had a wonderful Mother's Day! Menu planning has not only saved me a bunch of time and whining about going to the store AGAIN?! but it has also saved me a bunch of cash! I didn't quite believe it and thought maybe it was just a fluke the first week but then I took the time to go over my bank statement and realized I am saving money by only going to the store once a week! BONUS! I am sure it is because when I am dashing to the store while frazzled, I have been buying things that I don't need or that I already have on hand. Besides that, I am usually going to the store when I am hungry and that is just a seriously bad idea :O)

We had a winner last week with Tamale Casserole - not much of a surprise, it is always a favorite in this house. The kids actually cheered when they heard it was on the menu. The Split Pea Soup w/ chorizo was a new dish in this house and it was OK but it was a bit thin. I would suggest cutting the liquid down to help thicken it up a bit. Here is what is on the menu this week.

Monday - leftovers from the fabulously yummy Mother's Day Dinner w/ my folks
Tuesday - Navajo Tacos
Wednesday -BBQ Spare Ribs w/ potato salad
Thursday - Refrigerator Medley
Friday - Boboli Pizza (movie night)
Saturday - Chicken Enchiladas
Sunday - Baked Pasta (well sort of)

Happy Monday to you all and for more menu ideas or to join in, visit Laura the Organizing Junkie


Anonymous said...

BBQ spareribs, yum!! Have a great week.

An Ordinary Mom said...

Yummy menu. We had Navajo Tacos last night at our friends house and they were DIVINE!

Happy Mother's Day!

Debi said...

Oh wow...I cannot wait to try Navajo Tacos! They sound absolutely scrumptious! And the rest of your menu sounds pretty darn good as well!

It is amazing how menu planning reduces stress, isn't it? And extra dough in the pocket never hurts either!

Have a wonderful week!

Keara @ Now I Know What Life Is All About said...

Yum! I am gonna try that baked pasta! Sounds easy!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a good week... thanks for sharing!


Christi said...

Sounds really great - I love the "refrigerator medley".

Have a great week!

Sandra said...

Great menu, thanks for sharing :)

The navajo Tacos sounds wonderful.

Menu Plan

Anonymous said...

It all looks delicious! And ribs sound soooo good right now :)